Within Your Mind, Body, Career, Relationships, Legacy, Life,

Hi There!
I'm Rosie Unite
Known as The Possibilities Whisperer®, I’m the Founder and CEO of ImaginateLife®, a Best-Selling Author®, Coach, Consultant, and Impact Speaker. I empower high-achievers in strengthening their minds and bodies to create their purpose-driven lives of joyful impact. Let’s co-create your life to be better than you could ever imagine!
My Story
As the firstborn of six children to immigrant parents in the U.S., I’ve been a high-achiever (and recovering perfectionist and workaholic) since I came out of the womb – for better and for worse!
I ticked so many of the proverbial ‘success’ boxes – from Peace Corps to Ivy League MBA to global Fortune 500 companies that led to the inaugural tech boom… and a globe-trotter of more than 70 countries, fondly calling eight of them ‘home’ during my time as a corporate and non-profit leader.

Although grateful for all the plum opportunities I had – I felt like I did not matter.
I could not and did not want to go on.
Like a Good Quantum (no kidding!) Love Story?
So, I bought a one-way ticket to an island off the coast of Africa with the intention of leaving the planet. Then, in a single, defining moment, something truly magical happened that forever transformed my life…
Create the LIFE
Imagine the Possibilities

Known as The Possibilities Whisperer®, Rosie shares her
unexpected, extraordinary, and truly magical experience to inspire others to
stretch beyond their perceived selves and connect with life’s abundance.
Welcome to Your World of Possibilities
When We Work Together
You so generously carry the Light into all you do and all you are. All of life is nurtured by your candle-blazing heart, mind, and soul. I can testify to this truth! I absorb your words — drinking them as if they were a magic elixir. You have so much experience, perspective, and wisdom to offer. The generosity of your listening fortified this renewed, expanded context for my work… read more…
Rosie helps you become the highest expression of yourself. Sometimes, I feel that she has more faith in me than I do, and that leads me to rethink and keep believing in and improving myself every day. With her as my coach, I’ve been able to see my progress, thanks to her dedication and focus. I’ve been able to assimilate and apply so much of what she’s taught me about heart and brain coherence… read more…
What do an undisclosed island off
Africa and a paper airplane
have in common?
Both are key to a truly extraordinary event that forever transformed Rosie’s life in 2016.
“In a single, defining moment, everything in my body (at the cellular level) – and in my life – changed forever. No aeronautical engineer, meteorologist, or theoretical physicist could possibly explain what happened. Yet, it did, and I love showing the evidence, so that everyone knows what’s possible!”
Read the incredible story, as told by Rosie, in her chapter of The Big Question, the Best-Selling Book she co-authored with Larry King.
You may have seen Rosie on:

Trust in the Unknown
Imagine the Possibilities
Be Prepared to be Amazed

Cultivating Belief In Miracles
Joyful Impact
Imagine the Possibilities...
When you work with Rosie and ImaginateLife®, you boost the ripple effect of Joyful Impact.
In gratitude for all the opportunities we’ve had, our mission is to inspire and empower people to up-level their lives and to drive global social impact in complementary, scalable ways. When you take the courageous step to grow, evolve, and improve your life by working with Rosie, you also help countless others around the world to do the same.
ImaginateLife® is honored to support people from all walks of life in their healing and personal transformation journeys by dedicating a portion of our profits to the following like-minded, mission-driven organizations.