Articles & Blogs

The Highest Achievers Have Had the Hardest Time Asking for Help During the Pandemic
The pandemic has taken its toll on us all. Plain and simple. So many of us are feeling out of control, with prolonged feelings of anxiety that creep into our daily lives. However, I assure you, you can overcome these conditions and break free of pain and suffering caused by things that appear in the external world. You can’t control those things, but you can break free of them. You can take back control of your inner environment, your inner

How To Get To Carnegie Hall, The Top Of Your Company Or Into Tiptop Shape
We’ve heard the joke-question many times: “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The funny and unexpected answer? “Practice, practice!” So, no matter where you want to go or what you want to achieve, whether it’s to launch your own business, be a more loving parent, run a marathon or write a book, practice makes perfect. “Habits are an accretive process,” says Charles Duhigg, New York Times business reporter and author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What

Two Bully-Inspired Good Deeds
More often than not bullying leads to hurt, anger and more bullying. But, two recent instances of bullying, one that I read about on social media and the other on, led to two separate acts of loving kindness that changed several people’s lives. I was bullied as a child and teenager. In fact, it’s 2019, and it still happens. It’s not often, but it still makes me think, “Really?!” One for the record books happened in my local coffee

Sharing Beauty
We rarely see or hear about all the amazing, kind and thoughtful things that people do around the world every day. Unfortunately, we’re bombarded with deflating, unpleasant things 24×7. I know I always have a choice to fill my brain cells and fire my neural networks with what I do, read, hear and watch. So, this former news junkie now only seeks out stories that inspire, challenge (in admirable ways) and elevate energy – to share with others. That’s why

How Life Works… Be Open and Ready
If there is one thing I’m sure of, it is that you have to remain open to whatever life may bring. In the book How Yoga Works, the author, Geshe Michael Roach, an American Master of Tibetan Buddhism (and recipient of the Presidential Scholar medal at the White House), inspiringly shares how yoga works when its teachings – yamas and niyamas – are practiced in daily life. Some of you may not know that I am a Certified Sivananda Hatha

Using The Brain To Learn About The Brain
Think about it, scientists who study the brain are using their brains to learn about the very thing that they are studying. Fascinating! This reminds me of the famous Albert Einstein quote that states, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Absolutely! The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. Can you imagine more than 100 billion nerves communicating in trillions of connections — called

Blind? Partially Deaf? So What? Get a Move On!
When I was young, certainly there were times when I wouldn’t have thought I’d be where I am today. I was challenged in many ways physically, emotionally, and culturally — as many people are to greater or lesser degrees. But after decades of ‘chasing success’ and trying too hard to prove my worth to too many people, I finally hit that make-or-break moment that propelled me to choose ME. Endured a lot of pain to get there, but what counts

Adversity? Bring It!
I love the mind and the organ it functions through (i.e. the brain). I’m endlessly astounded by the limitless depth and breadth of its capabilities. I’m also in awe of the heart! I see examples of its courage and strength everywhere. In fact, “The heart generates the strongest known energy fields in the human body; electrically, it’s between 40 to 60 times stronger than the brain… [There is] growing evidence that the heart and brain work together to share the

You Light Up My Brain
We’ve all felt it at least once or twice in our lives. That sense of recognition when you first meet someone, followed by laughing at the same things, or thinking the same things, and doing so at the same time. In other words, you and this person you’ve just met seem to already know one another. That’s how fast, and often, lifelong friends are made. Frequently, this is the kind of experience that leads two people to fall in love,